Exploring the Practical Applications of Agro-Ecology: A Day at Permaculture Paradise Institute

Today’s tour at Permaculture Paradise Institute continues to inspire and educate as we delve deeper into the practical applications of agro-ecology. This engaging session focuses on transforming theoretical knowledge into real-world farming solutions, showcasing the...

Transforming Gardens into Food Forests: A Triumph in Southern Malawi

As our charity and supervision tour of southern Malawi draws to a close, we are filled with pride and inspiration. Our final stop brings us to the resilient farmers under the jurisdiction of Traditional Authority Chikowi. These dedicated individuals are spearheading a...

Resilience in the Face of Adversity: The Triumph of Permaculture and Agro-Ecology

In the heart of Traditional Authority Mwambo GVH Jali, farmers who trained a year ago have faced unprecedented challenges. Cyclone Freddy and last year’s dry spells wreaked havoc on their crops, leaving conventional farmers struggling with insufficient harvests. Yet,...

Chisi Island Transformed: A Year of Agricultural Revival and Resilience

In the heart of southern Malawi, Chisi Island stands as a testament to the power of resilience and community-driven recovery. Exactly one year ago, the island's farmers faced devastating losses due to cyclone Freddy. Today, thanks to a collaborative disaster risk...

Sustaining Hope: Extending Relief to GVH Chikapa, Zomba District

In a continued effort to support communities affected by natural disasters, our partnership with Imagin Afrika and Agroforestry Regeneration Communities reached another milestone today. We extended our disaster relief efforts to the families of GVH Chikapa, located in...

Empowering Resilience: A New Dawn for Farmers in GVH Jali, Zomba District

In a remarkable display of solidarity and support, Imagin Afrika and Agroforestry Regeneration Communities have come together to aid 100 farmers in GVH Jali, Zomba district. These farmers, severely impacted by Cyclone Freddy and the subsequent dry spells of last year,...

A Journey Through Our Food Forest: The Tale of Organic Tomatoes

In the dappled shade beneath the towering canopies of our food forests, a vibrant tale unfolds where organic tomatoes reign as the stars of the understory. Imagine wandering through this verdant wonderland: sunlight filters through emerald leaves, casting a...

Permaculture Training Updates: A Summary of Transformation at Katsumwa Primary School

Over an inspiring five-day journey, Katsumwa Primary School became a vibrant center of learning and innovation during an intensive Permaculture training course, sponsored by Good Neighbors. This course not only educated but also united a diverse group, including eager...

Nurturing Sustainable Futures: The Journey of the 72-Hour Permaculture Design Course at Permaculture Paradise Institute

Day 1: Welcoming the Future Designers The vibrant start of the international 72-hour Permaculture Design Course (PDC) at the Permaculture Paradise Institute was marked by the arrival of 11 eager participants from various corners of Malawi. The diverse group, united by...

Sowing the Future: Day Seven at the International Permaculture Design Course

On day seven of the international 72-hour Permaculture Design Course at the Permaculture Paradise Institute, the 11 participants gathered with a sense of anticipation and focus. The day's training would delve into the vital practice of seed saving and multiplication—a...
Transforming Gardens into Food Forests: A Triumph in Southern Malawi

Transforming Gardens into Food Forests: A Triumph in Southern Malawi

As our charity and supervision tour of southern Malawi draws to a close, we are filled with pride and inspiration. Our final stop brings us to the resilient farmers under the jurisdiction of Traditional Authority Chikowi. These dedicated individuals are spearheading a...

Sustaining Hope: Extending Relief to GVH Chikapa, Zomba District

Sustaining Hope: Extending Relief to GVH Chikapa, Zomba District

In a continued effort to support communities affected by natural disasters, our partnership with Imagin Afrika and Agroforestry Regeneration Communities reached another milestone today. We extended our disaster relief efforts to the families of GVH Chikapa, located in...

A Journey Through Our Food Forest: The Tale of Organic Tomatoes

A Journey Through Our Food Forest: The Tale of Organic Tomatoes

In the dappled shade beneath the towering canopies of our food forests, a vibrant tale unfolds where organic tomatoes reign as the stars of the understory. Imagine wandering through this verdant wonderland: sunlight filters through emerald leaves, casting a...