Are you ready to embark on a journey towards sustainable living? Look no further! Our comprehensive Permaculture Design Certificate Course (PDC) is your gateway to a greener, more harmonious way of life.

What’s on Offer?

Picture this: in just 5 days, you’ll dive deep into the principles and practices of permaculture, guided by seasoned experts in the field. But here’s where it gets exciting – after the initial intensive course, you’ll return home equipped with the knowledge and tools to implement what you’ve learned.

The 3-Month Implementation Journey

But wait, there’s more! We understand that real change takes time, which is why we offer a unique opportunity for you to put your newfound skills into action over the course of three months. Under our expert supervision, you’ll embark on a transformative journey, applying permaculture principles to your own space at your own pace.

What to Expect?

During the 72-hour design process, you’ll explore innovative techniques for sustainable land use, energy efficiency, water management, and more. From creating thriving food forests to building eco-friendly structures, you’ll learn how to design and cultivate resilient ecosystems that work in harmony with nature.

Why Choose Us?

At our institute, we’re not just educators – we’re passionate advocates for change. With years of experience in permaculture design and implementation, our team is dedicated to empowering individuals like you to become stewards of the earth. Plus, our small class sizes ensure personalized attention and hands-on learning experiences.

Join the Movement

Don’t miss this chance to join a community of like-minded individuals committed to creating a more sustainable world. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a curious beginner, our PDC is designed to inspire and empower you to make a difference.

Secure Your Spot Today

Spaces are limited, so don’t delay! Reserve your spot in our upcoming Permaculture Design Certificate Course and take the first step towards a brighter, greener future. Together, we can cultivate change – one garden at a time.