We believe the future of our country lies in the hands of the youth. For this reason, we take part in equipping the youth with knowledge and skills which they can use to improve their lives and those around them. As such it brings us great joy when organizations and companies invest in the youth. September Last year, the Gumbi Fund sent youngsters from Nambuma to undergo a 6 months intensive Practical-based Permaculture design Course at PPI.. As such it brings us great joy when organizations and companies invest in the youth. September Last year, the Gumbi Fund sent youngsters from Nambuma to undergo a 6 months intensive Practical-based Permaculture design Course at PPI.
Practical lessons make an integral part of our training as we believe that practical lessons improve engagement and knowledge retention and boost confidence among our trainees. As part of the practical lessons, the trainees were assigned a piece of land where they carried out lessons. We are happy to report that we just finished harvesting organic open-pollinated maize which they planted in that piece of land.
The trainees were advised to follow certain organic farming practices to maximize land use and yields from the plot. Some of which were:
- Making of Permanent beds of double reach to maximize the use of the land and production
- Application of compost manure-This was done using the broadcasting method of 5 kilograms per square meter and this was done only once as a base dress no top-dress compost was administered
- heavy Mulching on the beds with a diverse range of organic materials to suppress the weeds
- Weeding, which was done only twice.
By carrying out these practices they understood and witnessed how productivity can be maximized with fewer inputs and zero chemicals. When they return home, they will be able to practice what they learned on their farms and they can educate other farmers directly or indirectly. These young people have a different story to tell about organic farming and permaculture in general.
We look forward to hosting another cohort from Gumbi in the next few days and we promise to keep the world posted.
What are you waiting for? Come learn or support people who you think would benefit from this Training. Our Training is practically based and results focused as it can be witnessed from the pictures.