In the heart of Traditional Authority Mwambo GVH Jali, farmers who trained a year ago have faced unprecedented challenges. Cyclone Freddy and last year’s dry spells wreaked havoc on their crops, leaving conventional farmers struggling with insufficient harvests. Yet, amidst these adversities, a remarkable story of resilience and innovation has emerged.

Our farmers, equipped with the principles of permaculture and agro-ecology, have turned the tide. Despite the ecological chaos, they are harvesting a bounty of crops, thanks to their sustainable farming practices.

One ingenious practice involves planting bananas behind their showers. This clever design ensures that the plants receive free irrigation every time someone takes a shower. The result? Lush banana groves thriving against all odds.

Papayas, intercropped with short-term crops, have also weathered the storms. These resilient fruit trees stand tall, offering a sweet reward for the farmers’ efforts. Alongside them, drought-resistant crops like lab lab, pigeon peas, and Lima beans continue to flourish, providing much-needed sustenance.

Passion fruits, trained to grow as natural gazebos, add both beauty and functionality to the farms. These vibrant vines not only produce delicious fruits but also offer shade and support for other crops.

In a display of initiative and ingenuity, some farmers have dug shallow wells, enabling them to grow irrigated maize and vegetables. This self-reliance has ensured a steady supply of fresh produce, even in the face of climate unpredictability.

This is the power of permaculture and agro-ecology. These practices empower farmers to establish systems that are not only productive but also resilient. They adapt to and recover from ecological instability, creating sustainable food sources and thriving ecosystems.

The success of our farmers in GVH Jali is a testament to the transformative potential of permaculture design. It’s a story of hope, resilience, and the unwavering spirit of communities determined to thrive against all odds. As we continue to support and promote these sustainable practices, we envision a future where every farmer can weather the storms of climate change and emerge stronger than ever.