Permaculture Design


It is a design system for sustainable living 

We demonstrate Permaculture at a large scale in Malawi, in this classic example we are show-casing our cassava harvest. We get 100 kilograms from 10 ridges of 70 meters long, if we sell the cassava locally in local markets this one tone gives us Mk, 200,000, this is a great milestone and a model for local farmers to act by, since a lot of farmers in Malawi do not benefit after selling their produce due to the cost of inputs. Cassava is a very easy crop to grow and does well in very poor soils, it is drought tolerant as well. 

The Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC)

The Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) training follows the original certification course developed by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. The 72-hour training is founded on Bill Mollison’s book, “Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual” and meets the internationally recognized requirements for certification. Participants that attend all sessions of the class or at least 95% and complete the final design project are awarded an international recognized Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC).

Our training Courses are always practical based and offered at a subsidized cost so that anyone can afford to pay.

As one of the business arms of PPI we ALWAYS improve and upscale our products and services in order to create a self – sustained department that greatly contributes to the economic aspect of our organization through provision of high standard and quality products /services to our clients, customer service, a great sales and marketing plan and proven competitive strategies contributed by a group of people that bring dynamic experience, talent and ability to the Organization, while on the other hand help improve quality of life for families and communities by delivering products and services with triple-bottom line results that are ecologically sound, economically profitable and socially justice for both parties


For participants that can not manage to to take 12 days off work but would like to have basic knowledge on Permaculture Design are trained in Permaculture basic design Principles which they can still apply them in their work or or business. Participants are free to continue with their Design Course at home after the 5 days and upon submission of their designs they may be awarded a PDC subject to continous assessment by their Mentors from PPI. After the 5 days Participants are only awarded Certificate of attendance.

Course fees
MK 20,000 / day / head but does not include food and accommodation


About the Course The Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) training follows the original certification course developed by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. The 72-hour training is founded on Bill Mollison’s book, “Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual” and meets the internationally recognized requirements for certification. Participants that attend all sessions of the class or at least 95% and complete the final design project will receive a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC).

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to permaculture principles, applications, and design practices. The curriculum will address global environmental and social issues affecting communities throughout the world and across a variety of climate zones, however practical design implementation will be specific to the sub-tropical climate of Central Malawi. The goal of the course is to achieve a basic working understanding of ecological-based planning, site design, and management.

Course fees

MK 30,000 / day / head but does not include food and accommodatiom

Course topics

Permaculture ethics and principles– Theory and methods of design– Understanding ecosystems– Pattern and systems thinking– Reading the land & understanding natural processes– Large and small scale land restoration – Water management– Soil rehabilitation and erosion control – Integrated animal systems– Intensive vegetable & fruit production– Food forests & plant guilds– Windbreaks and bushfire control– Energy conservation technologies– Appropriate technologies and renewable energies– Wildlife management– Integrated pest management– Community development & social permaculture– Integrated systems design for human settlements

Who should take this course?

Anyone interested in having an inspirational and transformative experience. From gardeners and farmers to public officials, this course will give you the tools to find holistic solutions to your land use and resource issues. Learn how to spot patterns in nature and to work smarter, not harder. All are welcome and no previous permaculture training is necessary.


Pre-course requirements

Suggested Pre-Course Reading & Watching-The Essence of Permaculture eBook (a summary of permaculture concepts and principles taken from-‘Permaculture Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability’ by David Holmgren)-Patterns, Essay on pattern observation Soil- Great film about Soil Food Forests and Perennial Agriculture– Geoff Lawton’s Greening the Desert, Parts I & II Alternative Economic Systems– “Branching Out for a Green Economy,” a short animated film, narrated by Sir David Attenborough, highlights the role forests can play in national development, a green economy, and climate change. It also reviews the current situation and some transformative solutions.