Last month was a very busy and productive month for us, particularly because we hosted a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) which ran from the 10th of May to the 21st of May. We are happy to say that we had a huge turn up as a lot individuals registered for the course, of which 35 of them were farmers, and the rest were students, and teacher’s directors.
Our Permaculture Design Course covers a lot of areas which fully equips the participants with the necessary knowledge and skills which they can later on use to successfully implement their own projects. On 13th of May, we started off by covering different designs for sustainable water management, and as usual, the trainings were practical based. On the second day, we offered practical lessons on resource management.
On the 16th, the trainees underwent a design mapping exercise. Through this exercise, the students were guided through a step by step holistic design approach to systems. This was followed by intensive Soil Management Practical lessons. The students also learnt and looked at how animals can be incorporated into permaculture designs. We also looked at different resource management methods and ideas to help us get started with our action plan. We also conducted our final presentations as per international requirements for PDC certification and the participants impressed us with their presentations.
On the last day of the Course, we are pleased to report that 20 lead farmers graduated and were given starter pack tools to use for the implementation of food forests around their homesteads. Each of the famers received the following tools; Wheelbarrow, Rake, Shovel, Panga Knife, and Slasher. The following week we planned to give the farmers seedlings and seeds to give them a head start.
We would like to express our gratitude to different the individuals and organizations who made the training possible and offered support to the farmers. Among them is John Rulac who offered enormous support to the farmers by equipping them with resources for setting up food forests,Gumbi which supported our students from Nambuma, donors from Switzerland fund who supported participants from ASUD and KODO,Alton Climate Action and lastly Regenerative Movement which supported 20 of the farmers.
To keep updated with our activities and trainings, please follow our Facebook Page Permaculture Paradise Institute.