Traditional Thatching with our interns

Training our interns on traditional Thatching, PPI realizes the need for promoting and uplifting the welfare of vulnerable Malawians and other vulnerable people for the purpose of strengthening their family unit, alleviating poverty, diseases and fighting all forms of economic, social, political and religious barriers together with the desire to curb the problem of illiteracy among the peasantry population in general. We realize the need for promoting informal education in Malawi inorder to alleviate current predicates and ecological chaos, this is the reason why our services are intensive hands on practical based. We blend in our traditional buildings within our natural forest, we don’t cut down trees but we only fit in our plans within the remaining spaces that nature does not use. We will be opening for traditional Thatching course very soon, just be on the lookout.

Experience the difference, do your wedding in nature at PPI


Today we launched our first Permaculture wedding at PPI. This is one way to promote our cultural heritage in Africa. Culture is a very strong term in life, it gives us identity, we are Africans born in Africa and there is nothing that’s gonna change us in this life or in the next. Permaculture respects traditional knowledge, traditional beliefs traditional way of living this life. It provides a design science to accomplish our dreams and achieve our goals. We design to meet our needs. This is why we are so unique at PPI, our farm is designed to accommodate alot of people’s needs. Visit our demonstration farm for yet another experience of life. Book in for your weeding and engagements in nature, be part of nature as you cerebrate your most memorable in life.

Come visit Us


Another couples tour of the weekend today, we had couples from Lilongwe who came to learn about Practical Permaculture, this is another approach we are taking to reach out to couples that would like to explore yet another new Permaculture holistic responsible life. Bring your loved ones to PPI and your life will never be the same.