Permaculture Paradise Institute

PPI is committed to make a positive change in the lives of Malawian youths and small holder farmers by providing low cost trainings that are intensive practical based

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Onsite Training

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Agroecology is a science, a practice and a movement. It is based on scientific and traditional knowledge. It is a science that bridges ecological and social-economic aspects.  Biological processes are enhanced using agroecological principles and these principles can be shared via farmer-to-farmer exchanges. Agroecology is a pillar of the food sovereignty framework which promotes the provi- sion of land, water, seeds and other productive resources to small farmers and landless people, along with economic opportunities.


The Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) training follows the original certification course developed by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. The 72-hour training is founded on Bill Mollison’s book, “Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual” and meets the internationally recognized requirements for certification. Participants that attend all sessions of the class or at least 95% and complete the final design project are awarded an international recognized Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC).

Our Consultancy

We offer  onsite technical support for implementation of permaculture and agro-ecology or any support customized in accord to client’s need.

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What We Do

Our Best Onsite Offers, we are the best when it comes to Onsite coaching.

We offers onsite technical support for implemetation of parmeculture and agro ecology or any support customized in accord to client’s need. Our products and services are offered and open to all sorts of people according to their background and the contex in which they work with. To this regard in order to reach out and meet the needs of our clients regardless of literancy levels our products  and services are always flexible and customized without refraining boundaries.

Permaculture Design

The Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) training follows the original certification course developed by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. The 72-hour training is founded on Bill Mollison’s book, “Permaculture:


Agroecology is a science, a practice and a movement. It is based on scientific and traditional knowledge. It is a science that bridges ecological and socio-economic aspects. It can work at various levels farm, community, national, regional, and so on.


The consultancy offers onsite technical support for implementation of permaculture and agro ecology or any support customized in accord to client’s needs and wants at particular time and circumstances.

Our Primary Goals

Our Mission

PPI is committed to make a positive change in the lives of Malawian youths and small holder farmers by providing low cost trainings that are intensive practical based


For all Malawian rural areas have the capacity to secure their own food nutrition and income sovereignty at a house hold level and beyond

Get In Touch or Visit The Farm Anytime 

We would love to host you at the Paradise, please send us the message below and we will get back to you in less than 24 hours.

+265 (0) 998 690 443