Agroecology is a science, a practice and a movement. It is based on scientific and traditional knowledge
about agro-ecology
Agroecology is a science, a practice and a movement. It is based on scientific and traditional knowledge. It is a science that bridges ecological and socio-economic aspects. It can work at various levels farm, community, national, regional, and so on. Biological processes are enhanced using agroecological principles and these principles can be shared via farmer-to-farmer exchanges.
Agroecology needs to be built from the bottom up, especially through social movements in rural areas. There is a need to create alliances between rural and urban communities. Agroecology is a pillar of the food sovereignty framework which promotes the provi- sion of land, water, seeds and other productive resources to small farmers and landless people, along with economic opportunities.
encompasses the relationship between agricultural production systems and ecological processes. It includes all the techniques that allow agricultural practices to be more respectful of the environment.
5 days agro-ecology training
The training courses covers the following topics:
Agroecology and the planetary food, energy, economic and social crises
Principles and concepts of agroecology: The scientific basis
The ecological role of biodiversity in agroecosystems
Biodiversity and insect pest management
Soil ecology and management
Ecological basis of disease and weed management
Agroecological basis for the conversion to organic farming
Agroecology, small farm development and food sovereignty
Agroecology and resiliency to climate change.
Course fees
MK 20,000 / head / day